★ 16开平装, Long River Press出版
★ 汇集徐城北、李晓、苏叔阳介绍中国文化的普及读物
★ 《京剧下午茶》介绍了京剧的行当、道具、表演艺术特点等知识,同时娓娓道出众多梨园典故和伶界轶事
★ 《中国昆曲》收录了约五百幅极其珍贵的文物图片、剧照、戏画,堪称是当今昆曲历史研究集大成之作
★ 《中国读本》荣获中宣部"五个一工程"优秀图书奖、国家图书奖以及全国优秀畅销书奖等多项大奖
★ 深入浅出、全彩图文,为读者学习英文和外国读者了解中国打开一个窗口
本书深入浅出地介绍了京剧的行当、道具、表演艺术特点等知识,同时娓娓道出众多梨园典故和伶界轶事,展现了京剧艺术的无穷魅力和京剧艺人的不懈追求。作者年轻时得幸亲眼目睹梅兰芳、马连良、袁世海等人演出,后来又因工作关系与众多京剧艺术家有深入交流,谈起京剧个中趣味,可谓手到擒来。 书中配有九十多幅照片,著名画家程多多专门为本书绘制了二十幅插画,插画和文字相得益彰,更是可人。
中国是一个怎样的国家?她走过什么样的历史道路?她拥有哪些独特的文明?她的国民以怎样的方式生活?她对人类做出了哪些贡献? 亲爱的读者朋友,这些问题在你读过了本书之后,就会得出自己的答案。阅读本书,就是您走进中国,走进新世界的一次发现之旅。
苏叔阳(1938 至今)当代著名剧作家、作家、文学家、诗人,笔名舒扬。门下收有一弟子舒子原。1953年开始文艺创作。1960年中国人民大学中共党史系毕业。任教于中国人民大学、河北北京师范学院(今河北师范大学)北京中医学院(今北京中医药大学)等。1978年调任北京电影制片厂编剧(国家一级编剧),1979年后任中国作协理事、中国电影家协会副主席等。他创作的话剧《丹心谱》,获庆祝中华人民共和国成立三十周年献礼演出创作一等奖。《左邻右舍》获全国话剧、戏曲、歌剧优秀剧本奖。近年来的代表作有电影《夕照街》、《春雨潇潇》,长篇小说《故土》。作品《理想的风筝》被选入苏教版小学课本。他常写北京市民和知识分子的生活,描写细致,意蕴深厚,具有浓烈的北京风俗画色彩。是我国京味小说八大家之一。他的 写作形成了独有的苏叔阳读本散文体样式, 为开创“中国读本体文学”创作样式作出了杰出的贡献。并获得“中国百年优秀电影艺术家”和“国家有突出贡献话剧艺术家”称号。 获国务院专家终身津贴待遇。
作 者: Chengbei Xu
出 版 社: Long River Press
条 形 码: 9781592650576
出版时间: 2006/2/1
开 本: 16开
页 数: 161
定 价: 100 元
This fascinating book examines the cultural and artistic themes of Beijing Opera in unprecedented detail. It is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in Beijing Opera: an art form which has gained an unprecedented following in both China and the West thanks to cultural performances, books, and motion pictures. But the world of Beijing Opera is still shrouded in mystery. With an expert eye, Chengbei Xu presents a dizzying array of details that only an experienced opera-goer can spot: themes and stories, characters, movement, makeup, props, action, voice, and music. A fascinating commentary as well as an indispensable reference, this book provides the definitive guide to what is arguably the pinnacle of Chinese performance art.
作 者: Xiao Li
出 版 社: Long River Press
条 形 码: 9781592650620
出版时间: 2006/2/1
开 本: 16开
页 数: 303
定 价: 194 元
It has been four years since Chinese Kunqu Opera has been awarded the title "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO. As a masterpiece of Chinese classic opera, Chinese Kunqu Opera has gone far beyond the bounds of territory and is today acknowledged the world over. Chinese Kunqu Opera is an old Chinese opera form with a history of 600 years. To further understand its value, we can approach it from three aspects: the dramatic literature, the musical tradition and the performing art system. Chinese Kunqu Opera represents the highest level of Chinese classic theatrical literature, the last heritage of classic music as well as the perfect performance of classic operas.
The work "Chang Sheng Dian" tells of a legendary romance between Emperor Tang Ming and Imperial Concubine Yang. It presents the fine art of Kunqu Chuanqi creation and has become a model for Kunqu Chuanqi creation in structure, character, language and rules and forms of poetry.
The work "Tao Hua Shan" tells a romance of the Ming Dynasty. In particular, the author had made active exploration into the Kunqu Chuanqi creation and achieved an extremely high level in literary depiction.
作 者: Shuyang Su
出 版 社: Long River Press
条 形 码: 9781592650590
出版时间: 2006/2/1
开 本: 16开
页 数: 247
定 价: 140 元
Intended for general interest readers, this one-volume book provides a basic, introductory guide to Chinese civilization, including history, philosophy, culture, and society. Chapters include: geography, prehistory and mythology; ethnic minorities, feudal states, origins of language, philosophy and moral culture, traditional religious beliefs, family life, food and diet, art and literature, Chinese aesthetics, science and technology, and discoveries and inventions. A Reader on China opens the door to future study on one of the world's most ancient civilizations.