英文原版《Managing Your Emotional Health Using Chinese Medicine》,作者张挹芳在英美和中国具有多年临床和执教经验,本书是她结合传统中医理论撰写的关于调理情绪、平衡身心、健康生活的图书。她将家传验方和自己的临床经验相结合,详细讲解了预防疾病、调整身心平衡的调理方法。原价114元,现团购价9.9元包邮!
★ 32开平装,Reader's Digest出版
★ 每一章都用真实的案例分析引入,附上清晰的讲解和中药调理方法,实用性强
★ 不用化学制剂,自然地平衡自身情绪,调节身心健康
★ 学习中医药英文说法,一举两得
The author uses yin-yang theory, Five Elements theory, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to guide readers in the management of their emotional health.
Zhang Yifang received her MS qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1986 from China's Nanjing TCM University. Dr. Zhang has more than 25 years of rich clinical and teaching experiences in China, England and the United States. She is a third-generation expert TCM practitioner, as well as an associate professor, consulting doctor in TCM, licensed herbalist and acupuncturist. Her specialties are stress management, nutrition, gynecology, pediatrics, allergies, skin and joint conditions, and digestive ailments. Her website, www.acherbs.com, is a resource for understanding and utilizing TCM to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
《Managing Your Emotional Health Using Chinese Medicine》
作者:张挹芳(Zhang Yifang)
出版社:Reader's Digest
开本: 32开
页数: 151
The author uses yin-yang theory, Five Elements theory, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to guide readers in the management of their emotional health.