英文原版《A Deer Of Nine Colors》,铜版纸全彩,印刷清晰,上海美影的《九色鹿》曾荣获国家文化科学技术一等奖,加拿大汉密尔顿国际动画电影节特别荣誉奖。讲述了善良的九色鹿的故事,让孩子在耳熟能详的故事中提高英文水平。原价40元,现团购价9.9元包邮!
★ 20开平装,Better Link Press出版
★ 动画片曾荣获国家文化科学技术一等奖,加拿大汉密尔顿国际动画电影节特别荣誉奖
★ 从动画形象、艺术形式到故事内容都有着鲜明的中国民族特色
★ 让孩子在耳熟能详的故事中提高英文水平
《A Deer Of Nine Colors》
作 者: Shanghai Animation and Film Studio、Sanmu Tang
出 版 社: Better Link Press
条 形 码: 9781602209763
出版时间: 2010/9/10
开 本: 20开
页 数: 32
定 价: 40 元
In ancient times, a man drowning in a river was rescued by a deer shaded with nine colors. In exchange for his life, the man promises not to talk about the deer's whereabouts. Later, the man reached an imperial palace where the king insisted on hunting down the deer to make clothes out of the deer skin. The man could not resist the opportunity for profit and led them to the same spot as before. He falls back into the water, hoping the deer would show up to rescue him. But this time, the man drowns and the warriors' arrows turn to dust, leaving the deer unharmed.
This series is adapted from the most famous Chinese classic cartoon movies, which are handled down generation by generation; most Chinese grow up with them. Some are well-known fairy stories, contain the wisdom and spirits; and some convey the knowledge of nature or science. The original movie are taken by Shanghai Animation and Film Studio, and got a lot of prizes in the international film festivals.