英文原版《Batman Classic》精装漫画,16开铜版纸彩印,以蝙蝠侠为主角讲述十二个惊心动魄历险故事,既有扣人心弦的推理破案,又有英勇的战斗和奇幻的冒险。彩图精美,情节跌宕,快和蝙蝠侠一起捍卫正义、铲除邪恶吧!原价110元,现团购价38元包邮!
★ 16开精装,191页,HarperFestival出版
★ Donald Lemke改编,原版作者Bob Kane
★ 集合蝙蝠侠、超人、神奇女侠、罗宾等超级英雄
Batman battles the dark forces of Gotham City night after night. With Commissioner Gordon and Robin by his side, Batman stops the slickest of tricksters and the grimiest evildoers. This collection features twelve of Batman's most thrilling adventures, each with full-color illustrations on every page and timed to be an action-packed, 5-minute read-aloud. With a sturdy, padded cover and over 190 pages of fun, this storybook collection makes anytime the perfect time to serve up some justice! This collection includes lightly adapted versions of 12 favorite Batman stories.
鲍勃·凯恩(Bob Kane,原名:Robert Kahn,1915年10月24日-1998年11月3日),是美国著名漫画家、编剧,是著名漫画《蝙蝠侠》的原始作者。
Batman Classic蝙蝠侠经典故事
改 编: Donald Lemke
绘 者: Bob Kane(鲍勃·凯恩)
出 版 社: HarperFestival
条 形 码: 9780062357984
出版时间: 2015-6
开 本: 16开
页 数: 192
定 价: 110 元
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