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《Good-Night, Owl!》凯特·格林威奖得主佩特·哈群斯又一妙趣横生的力作
《The Giving Tree》绘本的作者谢尔·希尔弗斯坦, 堪称二十世纪美国文艺界令人印象最为深刻的鬼才之一
《My Daddy and Me 我和爸爸》纽伯瑞奖章获得者杰瑞•史宾尼利的第一本图画书

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《And the Train Goes...和火车走》

  威廉‧毕有很多打字机,这些都是他的写作工具,像是经典的Roayal Sabre打字机以及Smith Corona Super Gs古董打字机。他的作品曾在不少博物馆中展出,像是伦敦维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆(V&A)还有日本三越美术馆。

《Good-Night, Owl!晚安,猫头鹰!》

《I  LIKE   ME !我喜欢自己》

《My Daddy and Me 我和爸爸》
  作者杰瑞•史宾尼利(Jerry Spinelli),美国著名文学作家。16岁时在地方报上发表了一首描写美式足球赛的诗,转而想成为一名作家。盖兹堡学院毕业后,一边在杂志社上班,一边从事写作。前四部作品被拒,第五部小说《七年级太空站》(Space Station Seventh Grade)却意外获童书出版商青睐。其他作品包括获1991年纽伯瑞金奖的《疯狂麦基》(Maniac Magee)、获1998年纽伯瑞银奖的《小杀手》(Wringer),《失败者》(Loser)、《碰撞》(Crash)和自传体小说《溜溜绳扣》(Knots in My Yo-yo String)等。

《The Giving Tree  爱心树》
  《爱心树》是世界绘本的经典作品之一,出版30年来,一直是绘本世界的著名典范,历久不衰,魅力惊人,销量超过600万册。这是一个由一棵有求必应的苹果树和一个贪求不厌的孩子,共同组成的温馨,又略带哀伤的动人故事。爱心树的英文 “The Giving Tree”,顾名思义便是牺牲奉献的意思,但它亦是一本述说友谊的书。树并未因为男孩的予取予求感到难过,即使后来只剩下残干的他,是那么凄凉孤寂,但当男孩回到他身边只求一个安静的歇脚处时,树竟是满欣喜乐将自己奉献给他,这样的喜悦比起男孩小时在树上刻的 “M.E. + T.”那些甜蜜文字,更令他感到真切舒心。天才的绘本艺术家希尔弗斯坦以简单俐落的线条和充满诗意又带有嘲讽幽默的文字,为各个年龄的读者创造了一则令人心醒动容的寓言——在施与受之间,也在爱与被爱之间。


《And the Train Goes...和火车走》威廉‧毕
  William Bee
was born in London, and now lives in the English countryside. He is the author of the modern cautionary picture book Whatever (9781844280667), Beware of the Frog (9781406319316) and And the Cars Go... (9781406309997). As well as writing children's books, he races a vintage sports car, is an international skier, and when at home enjoys tending his lawns and meadow. William lives in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

《Good-Night, Owl! 晚安,猫头鹰!》佩特·哈群斯
  Pat Hutchins
is the author-illustrator of several popular picture books, including Good-Night, Owl; Titch; and The Wind Blew, for which she won the Kate Greenaway Medal. She lives in London, England.

《I  LIKE   ME !我喜欢自己》南希·卡尔森
  Nancy Carlson
is the popular author and illustrator of many picture books, including How About a Hug?, My Best Friend Moved Away, and Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!

《My Daddy and Me 我和爸爸》杰瑞•史宾尼利
  Jerry Spinelli
is the author of many books for young readers, including Maniac Magee, winner of the Newbery Medal; Wringer, winner of a Newbery Honor Award, Stargirl, An ALA Top Ten Best Book for Young Adults; Loser; Crash; and Knots in My Yo-yo String, his autobiography.
Seymour Chwast is a renowned graphic artist and illustrator, cofounder of the Pushpin Studios, and a member of the Art Directors Hall of Fame.

《The Giving Tree  爱心树》谢尔·希尔弗斯坦
  Shel Silverstein's
very first children's book Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back was published in 1963, and followed the next year by two other books. The first of those, The Giving Tree, is a moving story about the love of a tree for a boy; it took four years before Harper Children's books decided to publish it. Shel returned to humour that same year with A Giraffe and a Half. His first collection of poems and drawings, Where the Sidewalk Ends, appeared in 1974, and his second, A Light in the Attic, in 1981. When he was a G.I. in Japan and Korea in the 1950, he learned to play the guitar and to write songs, including 'A Boy Named Sue' for Johnny Cash. In 1984, Silverstein won a Grammy Award for Best Children's Album for Where the Sidewalk Ends - 'recited, sung and shouted' by the author. He was also an accomplished playwright, including the 1981 hit, 'The Lady or the Tiger Show.' The last book to be published before he died in 1999, was Falling Up (1996).























《And the Train Goes...》 和火车走
作    者:  William Bee
出 版 社:  Walker Books Ltd
条 形 码:  9781406344882
出版时间:  2013-5-1
开    本:  16开 
页    数:  32
定    价:  44 元
  Join the eclectic and eccentric passengers on the train: ladies off to the races, chattering children on a school trip, business men going to the city, chickens off to market ...and all the while the train goes Clickerty Click Clickerty Clack ...Chuff Chuff Chufferty Chuff ...Woo Woooooo!


《Good-Night, Owl! 晚安,猫头鹰!》
作    者:  Pat Hutchins 著
出 版 社:  Aladdin; Reprint
条 形 码:  9780689713712
出版时间:  1990-4-1
开    本:  16开 
页    数:  32
定    价:  50 元
  Owl couldn't sleep -- not while the bees were buzzing, the crows croaking, the starlings chittering, and the jays creaming. Every time there seemed to be some peace and quite, someone else landed in the hollow tree and woke Owl up again. Would Owl ever get any rest?
Pat Hutchins's simple, cumulative story ends with a surprising twist that will send children off to sleep laughing.


《I  LIKE   ME !我喜欢自己》
作    者:  Nancy Carlson
出 版 社:  Puffin Books
条 形 码:  9780140508192
出版时间:  1990-5
开    本:  16开 
页    数:  32
定    价:  50 元


  "Little ones in need of positive reinforcement will find it here. An exuberant pig proclaims 'I like me!' She likes the way she looks, and (all her) activities . . . when she makes a mistake she picks herself up and tries again."--Booklist. Full color.


《My Daddy and Me 我和爸爸》
作    者:  Jerry Spinelli (作者), Seymour Chwast (插图作者)
出 版 社:  Dragonfly Books
条 形 码:  9780553113037
出版时间:  2006-12-1
开    本:  16开 
页    数:  40
定    价:  44 元
  I can’t wait for my daddy to come home from work. There are so many things to do!
  In a loving tribute to fathers and sons, Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli and New Yorker artist Seymour Chwast join talents to celebrate the very best moment of the day: when daddy comes home.

《The Giving Tree  爱心树》
作    者:  Shel Silverstein
出 版 社:  Particular Books
条 形 码:  9781846143830
出版时间:  2010-12-1
开    本:  16开 
页    数:  64
定    价:  50 元
  Once there was a little tree ...and she loved a little boy. So begins a story of unforgettable perception, beautifully written and illustrated by the gifted and versatile Shel Silverstein. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk ...and the tree was happy. But as the boy grew older he began to want more from the tree, and the tree gave and gave and gave. This is a tender story, touched with sadness, aglow with consolation. Shel Silverstein has created a moving parable for readers of all ages that offers an affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return.







